วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

                  Problem and Solution

        To day on Monday 28, March . I learned about Problem and Solution. We quiz about unit 5-8 it' very hard. I read the book because to test in this morning. Then, we came in the class for studying. When the class all ready, The lecturer gave us the problem and solution handout and taught  together with papers. Which she made me know that Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue and something that was, can be, or, should be done to remedy this issue  and then, she taught us how to read the texts about Problem and Solution by how to find the problem markers such as burden, challenge, complication, concern, conflict, crisis, danger, deficiency, difficultly etc. and solution markers such as to address, to answer, to cope with, to deal with, to improve, to resolve, to respond and to solve etc.  After that, she gave us to do the exercises which the first exercise that Skill practice: circle the problem markers and the solution marker. Then write either problem or solution in the margin next to the relevant information. The first one has been done for you as and example. And then, she feed back the answer to us. I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching in formations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. The teacher gave we practiced circle the problem marker and highlight the Solution markers in the in the following texts in my sheet.

