วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559



  To day on Monday 21, March. I learned about Exemplification. The lecturer told us to keep up the exercise paper for checking the answers. After the teacher  shows us the slide on the board.  There are four language skills, viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. to illustrate, to demonstrate, specifically, for instance, as an illustration, for example, an illustration of this, a case in point is, another instance of, another example of, another illustration of and here are a few examples etc. and complete the diagram. Then, she told us that exemplification writing uses specific,vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.After that, she gave us to do the exercises which the first exercise is  about Fun Things to Do in Great Falls that I had to read this text and match the place with activities. I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching informations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. It the text 3 we read answer the questions.

