วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

              Problem and Solution (continue)


     To day on Monday 4, April. We studied last clause of this subject. The teacher tough me about “Problem and Solution”(continue).When the class started the teacher checked the answer about exercise 1 , text 1.The title of this text is the machine gun overheat and malfunction can be addressed in a number of ways .Then we found main idea and finished this text. After that we learned text 2.The title of this text is how to prevent/improve amnesia .Then we found main idea and did text 3.The text 3 is easier than text 1 and 2 .We have correct answer and started text 3 .It a little bit difficult but I can do it. After that the teacher taught me exercise 2 .It long story but it easy to find the answer and finished the class . Today is the last time for study this class .The teacher gave us about thinking and skill for our life . I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching in formations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. The last the teacher taught we everything. She spoke about all the time that she taught we in this term. Today was last clause to studied with Dr.Usa. The next time we test the final at 11 April 2016 of A Discourse Approach in Reading. I hope to get  good marks on their exams.


