วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

                 Learning Reflection


                  What to think about ...

I have a lot of  new knowledge for improvement all of the class. I learned more 
- My writing sills improved the most.
- I can use comfortably and efficiently.
- Understand feeling and to solve.
- Have rare fun with of this course.
Lesson 5: Comparison and contrast; It is good lesson because it everyone to understand to compare between 2 or more things.
-Lesson 6: Cause/Effect; I don’t understand about marker of this lesson but I will try to practice more. 
- Benefit for housekeeper and who like to do something.
- Lesson 7: Definition;   Definition, I think this lesson is easy to understand and good for find main idea.
Lesson 8: Classification; I think this lesson is make me confused because I really don’t understand and marker is too a lot.
Lesson 9: Exemplification; To illustrate an idea, an opinion, or a generalization
Lesson 10: Problem and Solution It can be applied to the other course or lesson for understanding in reading each of         It is easy to find problem and solution but it difficult to find title and hard to summarize main idea.

   Benefits of mixed...

- increase reading speed

- improve reading comprehension (understanding)

- development of grammatical and vocabulary knowledge

- improvement of writing skills

- improvement of listening & speaking skills

       THE END...     

              Problem and Solution (continue)


     To day on Monday 4, April. We studied last clause of this subject. The teacher tough me about “Problem and Solution”(continue).When the class started the teacher checked the answer about exercise 1 , text 1.The title of this text is the machine gun overheat and malfunction can be addressed in a number of ways .Then we found main idea and finished this text. After that we learned text 2.The title of this text is how to prevent/improve amnesia .Then we found main idea and did text 3.The text 3 is easier than text 1 and 2 .We have correct answer and started text 3 .It a little bit difficult but I can do it. After that the teacher taught me exercise 2 .It long story but it easy to find the answer and finished the class . Today is the last time for study this class .The teacher gave us about thinking and skill for our life . I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching in formations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. The last the teacher taught we everything. She spoke about all the time that she taught we in this term. Today was last clause to studied with Dr.Usa. The next time we test the final at 11 April 2016 of A Discourse Approach in Reading. I hope to get  good marks on their exams.


                  Problem and Solution

        To day on Monday 28, March . I learned about Problem and Solution. We quiz about unit 5-8 it' very hard. I read the book because to test in this morning. Then, we came in the class for studying. When the class all ready, The lecturer gave us the problem and solution handout and taught  together with papers. Which she made me know that Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a dilemma or concerning issue and something that was, can be, or, should be done to remedy this issue  and then, she taught us how to read the texts about Problem and Solution by how to find the problem markers such as burden, challenge, complication, concern, conflict, crisis, danger, deficiency, difficultly etc. and solution markers such as to address, to answer, to cope with, to deal with, to improve, to resolve, to respond and to solve etc.  After that, she gave us to do the exercises which the first exercise that Skill practice: circle the problem markers and the solution marker. Then write either problem or solution in the margin next to the relevant information. The first one has been done for you as and example. And then, she feed back the answer to us. I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching in formations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. The teacher gave we practiced circle the problem marker and highlight the Solution markers in the in the following texts in my sheet.



  To day on Monday 21, March. I learned about Exemplification. The lecturer told us to keep up the exercise paper for checking the answers. After the teacher  shows us the slide on the board.  There are four language skills, viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. to illustrate, to demonstrate, specifically, for instance, as an illustration, for example, an illustration of this, a case in point is, another instance of, another example of, another illustration of and here are a few examples etc. and complete the diagram. Then, she told us that exemplification writing uses specific,vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.After that, she gave us to do the exercises which the first exercise is  about Fun Things to Do in Great Falls that I had to read this text and match the place with activities. I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem, I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching informations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming , and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. It the text 3 we read answer the questions.

วันจันทร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559


                       Definition and Classification

     On Monday 14, March. Today is I learned about Definition and Classification.This cause resemble with Cause and Effect. After that the lecturer shown the contents that she will teach on the slides. She gave us to do the skill practice 1- In the sentence that given, circle the definition markers, highlight the technical terms, and underline the definitions. The first one has been done for you as an example.  Before did it, she did it for example to us. Then, I did the exercise. I could do it finding the technical terms. And it made me easily for reading. After that skill practice 2 - In the following paragraphs, circle the Classification markers .Then draw adiagram showing the classification  .The first one has been done for you as an example. And skill practice 3 reread  paragraphs 2-5 in skill practice 2 and highlight the defintion fo the following terms . But suddenly, when I was doing it, the electricity switched off. This situation made us didn't concentrate to study because the weather and environment in the class was bad. It's hot, dark and trouble. I think that this lesson was easy for me because I could understand and comprehend about the given text for reading. When I read the texts, I always used how to find the features of a procedure (instructions) for reading easily. Sometimes I used dictionary on my smart phone for helping for finding the meaning that I didn't know. The teacher gave the exercise was to homework.     


                                 Cause and Effect (continued)

On Monday 7, March. Today is I learned about " The Effects of Stress ". The effect of stress.We read this text and answered the questions together and I used how to find cause and effect markers for reading easily.
Advantages that given - 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Stress Before Public Speaking comedian, Jerry Seinfeld made an excellent joke about public speaking anxiety.
“I read a thing that actually says that speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number one fear of the average person. I found that amazing – number two was death! That means to the average person if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
However, besides practicing relentlessly, you need to “stretch” out and set your mind into the right mood right before you get on stage. So here are the tips on how to do the last minute warm up and get your mind into the unbeatable mood.


                                              Cause and Effect

On Sunday 6, March. Today is my holiday.But I must study.       I learned about Cause and Effect. Cause/Effect is is used to show how the facts or concepts result due to other facts, events or concepts . Words that signal this type of text structure are because, since, therefore,if.....then,as a result of , thus,and hence. A graphic organizer may be used to represent the relationship between the causes and effects. Started a new lesson about " Cause and Effect " the lecturer asked the questions about " global warming ".
Then, she wanted who to be a volunteer in the class for writing the cause of global warming in these questions on the white board. I went to write that on the white board. I think that global warming is high temperature change more than before and summer is longer than before. And then, She gave us to do the exercise for practicing skills - read the text and complete the diagram by did Skill Practice 1 about Cause and Effect Markers and Skill Practice 2 about circle the Cause and Effect Markers. This lesson is easy because when I read the topic, I can answer the question. When I read,  I use strategies is skimming and scanning and finding discourse markers. I found vocabulary that be bored.                                                                                                                        


          Comparison and Contrast (continued)

On Monday 29, February.Today we are studied about Comparison and Contrast. The lecturer answered  the homework that she gave. It is  Men and Women:  Do They Speak the Same Language? and then she request someone to be a volunteer for writing their opinions on the white board in the topic that " Differences between the language of Men and Women ". Men and Women have problems with "cross-cultural communication to Tannen, while men use to show indepenence, status, and  power, women use language to establish connection and intimacy. After that, we do the exercise about it and answer the question.
I think  man and women use different language to handle conflict differently.
- Use language to show independent,  status and power.
- Use different language from women.
- Show skills and knowledge
- Talk more what they know.
- Voice disagreement openly.

- Use language to establish connection and intimacy.
- Misunderstand what men say.
- Talk about other people.
- Talk less what they know.
- Avoid opening disagreement.
I think that this lesson was easy for me because I could understand and comprehend about the given text for reading. When I read the texts, I always used how to find the features of a procedure (instructions) for reading easily. Sometimes I used dictionary on my smart phone for helping for finding the meaning that I didn't know.    


                                     Comparison and Contrast

 To day in the afternoon, I studied to continue the morning. the content was " Comparison and Contrast ". When the lecturer started to teach the new lesson, she shown us slides on the broad and then, she taught us how to read the texts about comparison and contrast. She  shown the conditional markers for reading and finding about this sort of comparison and contrast. e.g. To show comparison or similarities - both, same, similar, to resemble, common, like etc. , To show contrasts or differences e.g. to differ, to distinguish, to contrast, to oppose, yet, unlike etc.  I did exercises that she gave to read the text 1 and wrote similarities and differences about the text. After that I read the text 2 about " Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina ".

                                                     Hurricane Andrew

                             Category 5
                             120 mph winds
                             Property damage was about $25 billion
                             26 people died
                             Nearly 17 feet storm surges



                                                   Hurricane Katrina
                              Category 3
                              175 mph winds
                              Property damage was about $81 billion
                             1,800 people died
                             12 feet storm surges

I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem,
I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching informations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming, and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading. Finally, I think this lesson is interesting and have benefit for student in reading. Everyone should use knowledge from this lesson for studying other lessons. And improving in reading skill. Lesson it is very benefit for me.      


         Chicken soup



   On Sunday 28, February. Today is I learned about "procedure " and " Comparison and Contrast " The  teacher showed pictures about How to Make a Banana Shake , Banana Cake, Omelette and Chicken Soup on the slides etc. in each pictures describe about Method and Ingredients. Procedure  has text organisation e.i. Goal, Materials,Method . And the purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. I did the exercise about Omelette recipe - Match each sentence with the correct picture. Then put all sentences in the correct order. Next, I did another exercise about How to make Chicken Soup - Read the recipe and answer the questions. And read How to use Toaster Oven - Read this text and answer the questions. we can use do it at home.Lesson it is very benefit for me. 

After that she assigned a volunteer to come and draw pictures   "Apple and Orange " and who gave us to compare that what similarities and differences . I think that this lesson was easy for me because I could understand and comprehend about the given text for reading. When I read the texts, I always used how to find the features of a procedure (instructions) for reading easily. Sometimes I used dictionary on my smart phone for helping for finding the meaning that I didn't know.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559


                         Descriptive ( continued )                                       

Budapest, the Hungarian

On Monday 8, February.Today, we continued to learned about descriptive.Third, we learned the text 2 about history Budapest, Hungary. The teacher assigned us to write the places of Budapest. Here were the words written by us. Then, the teacher told us to find the adjective of the words which describe "Budapest". In this text the author's need to describe about Budapest and tourist attraction. I think this lesson is practice ideas and I can write the summary and answer the questions this text. When I read the text I used skimming and scanning in reading, and find the references of subject in reading. I have Knowles about Budapest in the Hungarian capital. History more than and I can Descriptive many other things e.g. person , place, animal & C.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



Later, we learned about the "Prague". The teacher assigned us to write the places of "Prague". Here were the words written by us.After that, the teacher told us to find the adjective of the words which describe "Prague". In this text the author describe the city of Prague and its uniqueness.
Finally, the teacher assigned us to work in group. Teacher has 4 topics for students to random it.I think I found difficult words and phrases. when I had a problem,I will try to guess that words but I can not. I will solve the problems to open dictionary book, searching informations on the Internet and line dictionary on my smart phone etc. If I was unfamiliar some words or some phrases, I will note them into my notebook. I used skimming, and scanning strategies and find the references of subject in reading.