วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559





    On Monday 1, February 2016.Today I learned about “Descriptive” The teacher opened animal resemble crocodile in Thailand but it not’s.“Komodo Dragon (Varanus Komodoensis).” We can found Komodo dragon in Komodo Island. Komodo dragons prey on bigger animals such as pigs, goats, deer, young buffaloes and horses. And we answer the question about the text which it is Komodo dragon. I think this lesson is practice ideas and I can write the summary and answer the questions this text. When I read the text I used skimming and scanning in reading, and find the references of subject in reading. I have Knowles about Varanus Komodoensis more than and I can Descriptive many other things e.g. person , place, animal & C.


                              Narrative (continued)

     On Monday 25, January 2016.Today I learned about “Narrative; Secrets. Read the second part of the story I feel about the story?  I feel sorry for Kylie because "She worries about secret egg it unhealthy. She try to keep her secret and She want to live with her father when she look photograph, because she only need a hear full of grace, and a soul generated by love from his parents. When I had a problem, I will review read of the story, sometimes I used my mobile for helping found vocabularies in dictionary online. Already, I wrote on the whiteboard and ask friends then wrote the answer of friends on the whiteboard. Next week I will take an exam about Recount and Narratives. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559




     On Monday 18 January 2016, Today, I learned about Narrative Secrets by Tim Winton is about a young girl called Kylie who feels inadequate and lonely by her mother‘s lack of care and love and the missing father figure in her life .A put a cross on line in the circle, at an appropriate, to show how you felt as a child. After that, teacher gave we read the text part one and answered the question about the text. After, she described about Narratives and I did activities "Secrets ". The story was about "Kylie's secret." When I read the text I can summary with friends and I went in front the class for writing the main ideas of the text. I think this lesson is practice ideas and I can write the summary and answer the questions this text. When I read the text I used skimming and scanning in reading. Finally teacher gave homework, to back read for second of the story. 

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559


                           Recount (continued)

On Monday 11 January 2016, I leaned about ''Recount '' to continued last week. Today, teacher answered the homework that she gave when last week. I did exercise in the class and answer question about the text "An Excursion to the Botanic Gardens". Teacher gave homework Factual recount: News report the title is Investigation report. When I had a problem, I will review handouts l used skimming and scanning my worksheet .Finally feelings toward learning I think can use in reading for daily life as reading the newspaper in English version. Lesson it is very benefit for me. 

                             Introduction & Recount

On Monday 4 January 2014, The first class of semester 2Today, I learned about Recount, In a reconstruct past experience or events. In the class, Teacher gave we found Language features e.g. "when, who, what, where, action verbs / past tense, linking words to do with time and specific participants" of Text organization. In the text featured Orientation and events.When I had a problem, I will note them in my worksheet. I used skimming, and scanning strategies and find the reference of subject in reading. Finally, teacher gave we did exercise and gave homework.